Dreaming of Homeownership? Chenoa Homebuyer Programs Can Help!

Dreamy young couple looking at big house, view from the back

Dreaming of Homeownership? Chenoa Homebuyer Programs Can Help!

Are you ready to take the leap into homeownership but feeling held back by the high cost of a down payment? The Chenoa Fund, a down payment assistance program, can be your ticket to realizing your dream of owning a home.

How Does Chenoa Fund Work?

The Chenoa Fund offers low-to-moderate income homebuyers a second mortgage loan that can be used towards your down payment and closing costs. This assistance can make a significant difference in your ability to purchase a home, especially if you're facing challenges saving for a large down payment.

Key Benefits of the Chenoa Fund:

  • Affordable Down Payments: Reduce your out-of-pocket costs and make homeownership more accessible.

  • Flexible Options: Choose from various programs tailored to your specific needs.

  • Forgiveness: Some programs allow for forgiveness of the second mortgage with on time payments.

Is the Chenoa Fund Right for You?

If you’re struggling to save for a downpayment, make a good income, and want to own a home then this may be the perfect loan for you.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our experienced team will assess your eligibility and help you explore the Chenoa Fund options available to you. We'll guide you through the application process and ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Don't let a lack of funds prevent you from owning your dream home. Let us help you unlock the possibilities with the Chenoa Fund.

To learn more about Chenoa loans and to find out if one is right for you, call us at 707-508-8473 or send a note to [email protected]